Anyone Willing To Share Their Experience On The Mini Pill With Endo, And Whether They Think The Mini Or Combined Is Worth It At All?
Thank you so much for taking your time to explain that all to me x
I've been on the pill since age 14 even now at 39 after a full hysterectomy. Only difference I noticed was when I did have my female organs and got periods at least I knew when I'd get it so it was more regular and if I had something important to do during my period I could skip the sugar pills and continue until I was ready to be home and get a period. Never helped my severe heavy cycle or pain though. So now without my periods it doesn't help much with hot flashes, I'm mostly on it for my bleeding disorder. What honestly worked best for my pain besides pain management and pelvic floor PT is vaginal estrogen cream. It's made a huge difference in my endometriosis pain especially with the pain I would get during intercourse. That's my experience.
@A MyEndometriosisTeam Member, how are you??
The mini pill did nothing for me. Then again NO pill helped. I had such severe endo that only excision with Dr. Arrington at the CEC gave me relief.
I took Aygestin for another two years. It helped. I'm wondering if I should go back on it even though I'm past menopause. I have adenomyosis and it helped. That's a question for my doctor.
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