Has Anyone Experienced A Sharp, Shooting Pain From The Vagina To The Stomach After Intercourse, Accompanied By Severe Bloating ?
Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol addiction is a chronic condition where an individual has an overwhelming and compulsive need to consume alcohol, despite adverse consequences. It often leads to physical dependence, where the body requires alcohol to function normally, and psychological dependence, where the individual feels an emotional need to drink. This addiction can severely impact personal, social, and professional life.
Any Birth Control Suggestions?
Hi, ladies!
So I have been on multiple different birth control pills and none of them have been great and I had started getting break thru bleeding on my previous one so my gyno put me on a progesterone only pill and I’ve been on it for five months and my period is sooooo much worse(which I didn’t even know was possible) I had an ultrasound to make sure all is good(which I’m sure it is) and have my follow up appointment next week to talk about going on a new pill. Do any of you like the pill… read more
Hello Everyone
So, I went to the gynecologist yesterday. He explained to me that the endometriosis has created a spiderweb effect and is now on my organs, which is why I am in so much pain. Does anyone know about this or is experiencing this?
Anyone On Visanne Has Prolong Periods
What Is Your Experience With Rectovaginal Endo? I Am Seeking Out A Specialist In The DFW TX Area To Give A 2nd Opinion On This Diagnosis.
My OB told me she is 100% convinced that I have endometriosis. The only issue is, it is not in my cervix. She believes it is in the rectovaginal area. She did a laparoscopy in April of 2023 but did not further explore the rectovaginal area. She stated she saw lesions on the lining toward my rectum but was unable to access them. I'd like to go to a specialist to confirm and would be interested in hearing people's symptoms with this type of endo to help me assess my own.
Has Anyone Had A Vaginal Cuff Open Post Op Hysterectomy?
How Common Is Free Flowing Fluid In Endometriosis?
Does Anyone Know Of Any Support Groups For Spouses Or Caregivers?
My partner does the bulk of the caregiving, especially recently given my surgeries. I know he could benefit from a safe space to talk with other partners in similar situations.
Has Anyone Had Excision Surgery For Bowel Endo Done In Delhi, India? How Was It?