What Else Can I Do If I Can't Take The Birth Control Pill?
I recently saw a new doctor and filled out a medical history. I mentioned that I have been having migraines with auras, something I didn't think of mentioning to my regular gyn. She was concerned about the increased stroke risk with migraines with auras and the birth control pill. If I can't take the pill anymore, what do I treat my endo with? I have tried progesterone-only pills and don't do real well on them. I don't want Lupron.
Julie, be your own advocate...do your research. Ask friends what they are on, even if they're on it just for the sake of preventing pregnancies. Most pills I tried have Estrogen in them anyway and then the doctor wondered why there are bad side effects and the pills were ineffective. There's Depo Provera, there's Nexplanon, there's Mirena. Non are pills. It depends on how long you want to be on something.
I had the same issue and did not tolerate progesterone pills, I did not want Lupron either (I had severe and dangerous side effects on pills) and didn't feel comfortable doing an IUD so I opted for excison with a specialist. For me it was the best decision and my pain is about 95% better with no side effects
Julie, huge hugs. I'm glad the acupuncture seems to be helping. :)
Hi mjeantee!
My normal doctor did not want me to go off everything, but I want to try it. I've been off everything for a month now. Had a bad cyst issue for a week (ruptured), but other than that things haven't been bad. I saw another doctor today (trying to find one I like) that strongly encouraged me to be on something. She prescribed the progesterone-only pill and we talked about getting an iud. I think I'll stay off everything for another month or so and see how it goes. :) I'm also working on cutting different things out of my diet and life. I've gotten into all natural shampoo/soap/cleaning products, etc. I'm also starting acupuncture! I've had three sessions and it's gone well so far. Hopefully with all these things I'll see some progress. Hope you find an option that works for you!
Just was wondering what ended up happening with your appointment, Julie! I'm new the website, but I was browsing and I have personally tried 5 different birth control pills and have physical or emotional side effects that are worse than endo pain! I tried progesterone only pills as well, but had my period 20/30 days. Just wondering if your doctor gave you any other options. :-) Hope you're doing well!
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