Lupaneta Pack
Has anyone else been recommended for the lupaneta pack? If so, then how did you like it? Did it work for you? Or make things worse? I've done all the research, but would like some other thoughts and experiences before I say yes or no.
Autumn, I'm going to assume that's the same as Lupron but a more mild version. If so, run far away, far far away. See what else is an option even if that means presenting the option to your doctor and asking them if it can be used for Endo purposes.
I’m currently on the first dose of the Lupaneta shot. It’s been a week and my pain is so intense, that I’ve missed work this whole week and can’t find relief for this pain. How has your experience been and how long did this last for y’all
I started the lupaneta pack nearly a month ago. My doctor explained that the first month is difficult because your body is trying to fight back the estrogen drop the med is causing. This causes or can cause your endo to get a lot worse. It has mine. Im in a lot of pain, sad, exausted, having hot flashes... im still holding out hope that it will be over soon.
Need Some Help Deciding Whether To Start Lupaneta Pack
Anyone Taking The Lupron Or Lupaneta Pack? How Is It ? Do You Recommend It ?