I was curious as to where you specifically feel most of your pain? Every day I get stabbing/burning pains in my pelvis on both sides, in my stomach, my diaphragm and lungs. 2 weeks before my period starts I begin to get awful cramps that get worse and worse, and when my period comes I get floods of excruitating pain that is difficult to handle. My pain clinic doctor and endo doctor refuse to prescribe me pain medication, and deny any chancr that i may have endometriosis on my lungs, even though… read more
Pelvis, hips, sometimes, rectum area. Chest, back, outside my vagina.... Seriously ouch! It's ALWAYS stabbing that lasts less than a minute. But generally overall, my lower abdomen feels like someone is trying to peel my skin off with a rusty blade....
The burning and sharp pains in my rectum and uterus and ovaries is classic for me. The burning sensation sucks so bad because it makes me feel like my insides are cooking in hot water. My ovaries hurt so bad on my period too and thats wheb i feel the shooting pains in my rectum and uterus. My lower abdomen is always bloated like Im pregnant my bladder can hurt and so can my abdomen. i get back pain and sides of my hip pain.
I have to lean forward while going pee or poop because it helps take the pressure and pulling sensation of my ovary(s). Im currently waiting for my lap procedure.
General pelvic and abdominal area, hips, back. Have you tried acupuncture for helping or pelvic floor physical therapy? If you're getting it 2 weeks before your period starts, it's the ovulation pain which can be nasty. That is when it's really good to get in acupuncture.
I feel it around my tailbone (sacrum) it feels like someone is squeezing it so tight that I can't stand straight up without tilting my pelvis forward. I must look hilarious to people when I walk or stand I'm sure. Also the pain goes into my glute, I guess around the sciatic nerve and then my lower leg on the side hurts/burns and it goes around my foot and into my toes too.
I couldn't bend properly . Also pain in lower back and lower abdomen. I get crazy bloated and then my bowel movements get all screwed up too.
I to get the pain in my pelvis and my left diaphram and left lung but not sure where the endo is yet got my laproscopy on monday seeing a actually specialist as the gynies where useless and didnt have a clue
Period Stopped And Vaginal Dryness Was Extreme While On Visanne. Anyone Had The Same Problem?
Spotting While On Visanne
How Has The Mirena IUD Helped Your Endometriosis Pain? (What Side Effects, If Any.. Did You Experience From The IUD?)