Does Anyone Use Natural Remedies To Help With Endometriosis?
Natural: exercise, eating healthy, drinking lots of water, acupuncture, chiropractor. All very natural. Chocolate too.
Before you do any diet changes, please be tested for food allergies and intolerances.
@A MyEndometriosisTeam Member I second the diet suggestion! I started my approach with elimination of red meat first and it has caused such a drastic change in my body. I definitely would go with the anti-inflammatory diet.
Don't totally write off anything @A MyEndometriosisTeam Member ! Even meds can still help. I haven't found any pharmaceuticals that work for me but I am still looking, even though I'm already taking 8 supplements a day. If you have a tendency towards or history with depression...don't take them, though. Anything pharmaceutical is almost guaranteed to make that worse.
Thank you guys so much.
Yes, I use Thrive and I LOVE IT!! It's the only thing that has helped. Last month I didn't take one Percocet for my pain, usually I have to take 30!
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