Endo And Pregnancy After Prostap
Okay so I got diagnosed a few years ago. I was told to have prostate injections for 6 months before trying for a family as the next few years will be my only shot!
I stopped prostap after a month as the side effects I just couldn't cope. I can't use contraceptives anyway as they make me extermly unwell.
I didn't have a period for 5 months after prostate not pregency related and have had my first cyle since.
Me and my partner have been having completely unprotected sex for 18 months + now… read more
Hi, I had lap and they burned away as much endo as they could. Then had mirena coil fitted for 5 months until I could not bear it. My consultant then prescribed 6 months of prostrap as we wanted to try for baby and he said the prostrap would reset my system and give us the best chance. I managed to last the 6 months on prostrap and we tried for about 12 months with no luck. We finally decided the stress was too much and we would give ourselves a break. I found out I was pregnant 3 weeks later. I think stress plays a huge part. However I definitely think the surgery and prostrap combo worked for me as we had been unprotected for a good year before and nothing.
Has Anyone Been Able To Get Pregnant Naturally After Excision Surgery ? Would Love To Hear Your Stories!
Butt And Lower Pain During Sex
Does Anyone Have Endometriosis And Hashimoto's?