Surgery And IUD
I am having surgery to remove the scar tissue and while I am asleep, they want to put an IUD in as well. I am super nervous about the IUD and want to know if there are side effects, and if the IUD is a good route to go.
I had the Mirena and it was terrible for me! I had constant migraines and was in constant pain with ovarian cysts. I had no periods, however once a month I would get the worst cramps of my life. I had it in for about a year and as soon as I had it removed I felt so much better.
If you have a history of Ovarian Cysts, be wary, as the IUD can increase your risk. Sort one problem, create another. Good luck with the surgery.
I swear by Mirena coil I have had 2 it helps no end with pain I'm pain free,period free a odd bit of spotting now and again,bit of weight gain but great has given me my life back xxx
I had the mirena coil fitted in may this year during a laparoscopy for diagnosis and removal of endo, i was under anaesthetic and didn't feel a thing. I used to get very heavy periods for 8 years and extreme pain but since the coil, I only get an odd bit of spotting here and there, hardly any pain, and been told it will stop the return of the endometriosis while its in as its like tricking your body that your pregnant. Now I might get a bit of spotting but no actual period which has been a excellent but i always make sure i have a liner with me at all times just incase. Everyone's experience is a little bit different but hopefully yours will also be a success
I have had the skyla for 2 years now and after my body got used to it (about 3-6 months) I have absolutely love it! I also had laparoscopic surgery last year and have had tremendous relief from the two combined! I now do not have a period and only get cramps during ovulation and when my period would be happening.
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