Laparoscopy And Fertility Questions?
My dr believes I may have endometriosis, she has set me up for surgery but didn't really tell me much... How is the surgery? How painful is it? How many days should I take off of work? How many days until I can drive again? Also how has endometriosis affected your fertility?
I just got surgery in February so it's pretty fresh in my mind. For me, the first 2-3 days were rough, mostly from discomfort (not pain...though I was on painkillers) and not being able to move really well and being soooooo swollen. For example, I couldn't sit up or stand up without help for 2 days because you can't use your abs at all (and doing so hurts). But just sitting there felt fine. And after 2-3 days, it was relatively easy. I was walking around a lot after 3 days (but wasn't cleared to run or do more intense activity than walking for 4 weeks, and no heavy lifting or ab/core work for 6 weeks). I recommend only taking high dosage Advil or Aleve as opposed to Percocet or other stronger painkillers bc the absolute worst part was the extremely painful constipation that resulted from the "good" painkillers.
My doc recommended taking 2-4 weeks off from work. I took 2 weeks completely off and worked 2 weeks from home. I probably was ok to go back after 2 weeks but didn't want to risk it. You can drive as soon as you're off the painkillers, but I wouldn't recommend getting in a car for 2 weeks if you can help it because all of the bumping around feels really uncomfortable. Short trips are probably ok but I wouldn't go too far.
Hope that helps!
I was in your position last year, and had a laparoscopy to diagnose endometriosis. I was able to come home the same day of the operation and have got three small scars; one in my belly button and two lower on my stomach but they healed well and personally I was able to go back to uni after about 10 days. The painkillers I was given made me drowsy so I couldn't drive while taking them. Fertility-wise it's depends on what they find and where it is; my ovaries had lots of little spots of endometriosis that they were able to remove and my surgeon seems confident that this wont stop me having children. I hope it all goes well for you and you have a speedy recovery!
Afterward it is a wee bit painful as you would expect but you aren't expected to stay over night! I found that I recovered quickly from it. Endometriosis can effect it depend on where it is
exploratory surgery is a day surgery. I only missed two days of work.
I have had 6 of these and the surgery is not bad. It takes about 2 hours and u are completely out! You get to go home that night. You are sore for a week then it gets better. I have gotten pregnant within 3 months after the surgeries, but I miscarry. And that is just because of other issues. Hope this helps!
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