Pad, Tampon, Cup?
What feminine hygiene products do you use during your cycle? Most of us have heavy bleeding. Tampons get soaked through too quickly for me and make my cramps so much worse, and most pads irritate my skin. I use a menstural cup because it holds more than a tampon. I only have to empty it every 8 hours instead of every 2-4 with a tampon, depending on the day. But it makes my cramps pretty bad for a bit when I empty it.
I use pads that are "hypoallergenic" for lack of better terms. The cost about the same as regular pads do at the drugstore or Walmart but I can only find them at the organics store. The irritation to my skin was none existent with the "hypo" ones.
I’ve been wearing period diapers and that helps at night. I wear heavy maxi organic pads during the day and change them every 2 hours or so
I got the diva cup because I participated in a research study that they are creating a blood test that will be able to tell if you have endometriosis without surgery! Personally, it hurts too much and gives me cramps on some of my cycles, then I use pads. Otherwise it’s incredible and I don’t bleed all over everything! Wish it wasn’t painful I’d use it every cycle
I also use pads, anything that inserts inside the body's seems to bring more pain to me.
I have also switched to a menstural cup. I have the same issue with heavy bleeding and tampons. I find that the cup still isn't enough for overnight during heavy days, so I double up with a panty liner or pad.
Pads Vs. Tampons?
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