Does Anyone Have Sciatic Pain Caused By Their Endo? Is There Really Such Thing As Sciatic Endometriosis?
I read on the center for endometriosis website that there is such thing as "sciatic endometriosis", where the endo lesions adhere to the sciatic nerve. What do you guys think? Does anyone have sciatic nerve pain caused by their endo? I've been having a lot of pain shooting down my left leg. Thanks!
I got diagnosed with a damaged sciatic nerve a couple of years ago but have stage 4 endo, wondering if it could be an endo side effect? This bloody illness seems 2 effect everything else!!!! X
Oh, wow. I'm wondering the same thing! I know this comment was from 4 years ago, but it you guys are still around, I would love to hear your thoughts. I have sciatic-like pain around my buttocks, doesn't really shoot down my leg though. This has been going on for over a decade. It comes and goes but is often triggered before my period. I also have stage 4 endo and am on mirena IUD.
@A MyEndometriosisTeam Member YES absolutly . I have siatic pain from endo. A person with endo can have or not have depending where there endo is. However there are another group of mucles that endo and fibro attack as well creating siatic shocks like in tmj your whole jaw or eye pains eyes begin to worsen over time rapidly or migraines and ear canal ear aches of every kind. Chiroproctors or warm baths and light yoga can bring relief so i hear but i have personally have issues wirh sicatic nerves currently and i have tmj and earaches. But i also have a bad thyroid thats coming out soon. That is all same region for me. Where.are your siatics at primarily
I did read that deep seated implants on the pelvic sidewall can cause hip and sciatic pain/piriformis issues. You might try googling that to get the full info.
What are your symptoms of sciatic Endo? And how is it diagnosed?
Siactic Symptoms
Have Any Of You Had A Doctor Use An MRI To See Endometriosis?