Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With Endometrial Growth In Ureter Or Bladder Region?
I have a small growth of endometriosis on the end of my right ureter. The pain associated with my endometriosis issues has always been concentrated to that particular (right) side and nowhere else. My Gyn was unable to ablate the growth as it was too risky to attempt. Has anyone dealt with a similar situation? I'm feeling quite hopeless as the growth is going to remain there.
Check out the Facebook group "Nancy's Nook" and look at their list of excision specialists near you.
I had endo on my right ureter which caused constant flank and back pain and the specialist was able to excise it (last week).
Jap my bladder was pulled up by my endo. Since i was a child i had blader isues. We used to think it was infection but after my sergery i realized its endo even my bowl is full of it. Sucks they cant do much its to risky its very thin layer of skin or what ever that seperates the bowel and blader area. I have stage 4 endo. I hope u get wel but i dont know of much that takes the pain away
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