Hey guys I've been having bad off and on lower back and hip pain that's progressed (along with these lovely endo symptoms, since surgery in July) over the past 6+ months. I've seen some stuff about sciatica and have heard about it, but I'm 23. Could this be sciatica or just play lower back/hip(s) pain due to the endo???
&$*#&$! yes!!!
i've had sciatica for years. when endo flares, sciatica is worse. i had an MRI done back in 2015 to Rule Out endo growing on the Sciatic Nerve b/c pain was so bad. it was ruled out. however, i believe that b/c everything in the pelvis is so inflamed and displaced from the endo that there are knock on affects for the sciatic nerve (just my theory).
Where my endo was that my gyn saw during surgery was in my pouch of Douglas and then my pelvic sidewalls too. I'm meeting a dr at a pain management center on Wednesday for a consultation to help with this horrible pelvic pain I've been having. I'll try to remember to asks him about the lower back and hip pain too.
I have read that that you can actually have "rogue" endometrial tissue growth on your sciatic nerve. I certainly have had horrific back and leg pain worse than my experience with 3 herniated discs! My disease has been noted to be on my uterine ligaments and in the area of the Pouch of Douglas that manifest itself in back/pelvic/hip pain. That is just the disease that the surgeon can see. Then there is the deep infiltrative endometrial disease. Can't laser what you can't see :(
Sometimes mine starts in the hips and sometimes it starts in the lower back. And sometimes it's just in my hips or just in my lower back.
Sciatic pain is from the sciatic nerve a quick Google search will show lots of pics and info I'm gonna try to explain...
The sciatic nerve is located in the buttock cheek the epicenter of sciatic nerve pain starts there and goes right down the effected leg and in some cases it can cause pain in the lower back however lower back pain can cause sciatic nerve compression causing sciatic pain as I said Google it and view the pics provided and read the write up.
Hope this helps mate, age means nothing to sciatica x
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