Symptoms Or Signs Of Endometriosis
I have been having problems with my period being irregular for years. The left side of my abdomen swells so much for weeks before my period that I look pregnant. I bleed heavily for days and my cramps are so horrible that I can't move or I become nauseous. My doctor thought it was my thyroid, testing came back normal. When the swelling began causing pain my doctor ordered a M.R.I. which came back normal also. Any ideas?
Endo is only trully diagnosed via surgery. Would your dr be willing to do a laproscopic surgery
It took 3 years of going back and forth to the doctor, bleeding after and during sex, having my cervix frozen then being put under in an op to look up inside my womb before they referred me to a gyne who told me I have endometriosis..
Insist on being referred x
See a specialist, My MRI was normal and I ended up doing laparoscopy and confirming endometriosis
I would maybe go see a obgyn. They deal with stuff like this all the time.
I've had over 20 laproscopy operations to treat endometriosis, I believe I have had it since I started my periods at age 11 as I would pass out on the toilet in pain but I wasn't diagnosed until 2000 by an laproscopy. Not once have doctors been able to see my endo on a scan or MRI as I always get really small chocolate cysts of it which can only be seen when they go in. Even though they are small they are one of the most painful types of endo you can get. Please push to get referred. Unfortunately us endo girls have to fight all the way to get help. Xx
Doubting On Visanne
Nothing On Ultrasound?
MRI - What Is Your Experience With Interpreting The Results?