Has anyone had to cut their hours or quit working/ school?
If so how do you guys handle it? For me it can get depressing because people don't understand why I barely work and it's not like my husband and me have kids. I hate the judgement. Advice on how to feel like not a failure or lazy...
I had to give up work altogether and it's been rough. I still freelance but even that's a bit hit and miss with how unreliable the asshole uterus makes me.
I find throwing myself into creative pursuits helps me a lot - writing and drawing etc etc - things I can do reclining with a laptop or at my standing desk, depending on the pain-flavour of the day. I also try to get out of the house at least once a day - even just to the local cafe - keeps my brain from eating itself alive.
I only recently been diagnosed with endo but I am constantly exhausted. I'm eating healthy trying to exercise when possible but still seem to be lacking energy a lot. I work full time sleeping ok at night but struggling to find energy to get motivated in mornings and then struggling to stay awake for my day at work. I get home try and keep busy but again fighting to stay awake. Has anyone else experienced something like this? Not sure if it would be related to endo or something else
I've been lucky my employer let's me work from home when it flares up. I'm due to have surgery again in 2 weeks and they have been really supportive. I know that I am one of the lucky ones. I get comments then saying your so lucky being able to work from home I'd love that......well I'd love to last a whole week in work but hey ho....i just smile and carry on.
Never feel like a failure or lazy, how many hours you work or where you work them is your business kids or no before wealth x
Hi everyone. I personally have been dealing with endometriosis since I was 12 years old. I am now 28. I have lost jobs due to being in the hospital at least once a month and my work felt I wasnt reliable. So, my current relationship, my partner is a multiple business owner and I work for her. This allows me time to take off and not be penalized because she truly understands and have been here all the way. Its such a blessing to be able to maintain my health now and not worry about steady employment. I still find it hard day to day though because no matter how hard or long I sleep I can never find enough energy to get me through a full day. And I work with children so its an even bigger challenge trying to stay awake and alert to give lessons. Hats off to you ladies dealing with this demon called endometriosis. I can definitely say I feel safe knowing there are more of u just like me. For the longest I thought I was just crazy and couldn't find one person to relate to my condition let alone couldnt find a doctor that would take the time to figure out what was really happening to me. I love u ladies and we can get through this together. Maybe if u lived in Columbia we could start a social group where we can hang and talk about how we cope and maybe we could help each other with methods we share. Reach out. I would love to see you!!!
This disease has taken everything from me, I can’t count the number of jobs I have lost due to Endo it’s unreal! There have been times we almost hit rock bottom, because of my ability to keep a job for longer than a month. I have no quality of life anymore!
I Am Getting Surgery Next Month And Was Curious On How Long It Took Y'all To Return To Normal. I Work A Very Physically Demanding Job.
Has Anyone Found Anything That Helped With The Fatigue From Visanne? Because I Am Literally Drowsy 24/7 And Coffee Doesn't Work.