Second Period After Laparoscopy Is Late
Ok I had a laparoscopy on janruary 17th and my period arrived on time 4 days later (the 21st). My period which was due yesterday (feb 17th) has yet to arrive. Can anyone tell me why the period right after my lap came the day it was supposed to, but my second period after lap has not?
The pain meds can affect hormones involved with ovulation for up to 3 mos. Since the surgery was after ovulation the first was on time. While the liver detoxes all the pain meds hormone circulation is lowered messing with ovulation. The 4 th period should see a stabilization of hormones and give you a better idea of 'normal'
Have you tested for pregnancy? :-)
It's also possible your ovulation is thrown off, this is your first ovulation after surgery.
You may not have ovulated which can cause a missed period. Stress can cause anovulation too.
Best wishes to you regardless of cause, this sounds unsettling and I really hope you don't need more procedure time!!
It can be unbalance of hormones... Let's wait and see...
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