Side Affects Of Long Term Visanne
Anywho who has also been on visanne for long period of time ( I have been on it now for over a year) have the side affect that your over all health is kinda crappy? I constantly feel like I am either about to get sick or "pmsing" and I saw my doctor at the six month mark and told her and she said I was low Iron and put me on a hormone replacement, but I have been taking iron supplements everyday since and I still feel the same. Am I doing something wrong?
I was diagnosed with Endometriosis in Aug 2015, after my op I was put on Visanne, so I've been using it since then. I experience quite a lot of headaches, nausea and random pain In random places as well. I've also picked up weight hence I'm trying to be active to see if it will help with the side affect. So my mission is to eat properly and be more active to see if it's related to me being over weight and less active or is it just normal
I spoke about the nurse practitioner about the visanne I’m taking now just over a year. She said many people tell her it reduces their pain but also flattens out their symptoms so that they don’t actually have any really good days either. That’s what it feels like for me, just a little sick most days, worse by the end of my work week, and never actually good.
Anyone Taking Visanne Have Prolonged Periods?
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