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Sex After Cervix Is Removed

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Canberra, AU

Hi all, sorry for the intimate nature of this question. I am reading up about the hysterectomy I will be having in June. I have read conflicting reports about womens sex life after loss of their cervix. Some say they they can still orgasim and enjoy sex while others say they no longer have it at all. Just wondering if anyone has had any bad experiences after the removal. Thanks :)

March 16, 2017
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A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

I had what u having in June every1 body is diffetent every1 deals with pain amd issues and problems differently dnt always believe what u read on internet because sme stuff untrue it better to speak your GP dr or Endometrosis dr who can explain pro and cons what u abt go through. Having hysterectomy was best thing for me because i no longer in pain frm Endo and no longer having surgeries on my Endo and my endo not coming bck after 6 months. Sex mite be wonderful for sme people after being thrpugh having Hysterectomy others mite find it to sore, u only person can decide how u wuld feel after having Hysterectomy its your body not any1 elses.

March 17, 2017
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

It's always nice to hear options suit the person in every way . I hope it's extremely successful operation . God bless

March 22, 2017
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Thanks Lisa. I'm glad we have a battler asking lots of questions on the world stage. I'm unfortunately in end stage endo with a frozen pelvis. I have signs if it growing in my kidney so going to hit it hard. I have no desire to bare children and my iron is very low. So this course of action is the best fit for me :) take care

March 18, 2017
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Hey , I'm back to see prof Keckstein world leader next weekend . I will ask him that question fof you . He'd have some knowledge even tho he's not one to whip organs out willy. Billy. Yes Melissa is correct in what she's says too..

I'm not going to lie I don't agree with hysterectomy , IT DOES NOT erridate endometriosis. Worse yet it can come back , it has in other women . There are some lucky ladies who took the risk and it was good choice but again it friends how bad and how much. Read my story , I was told worst case in Ireland risk of death and organ loss , look at me now after major surgery. I plead with women not to part with their organs . I know the pain horrific , I'm trying to get the state , surgeons , HSE , to please refer women out of Ireland and UK should be doing same. I've letter received in post to my questions that angers me , I'll not stop there . Please ladies don't believe them when they say hysterectomy is a cute , it's all they know how to do.

Anyone who has any questions please ask. Nobody better to answer than s world leader in the disease . Prof k removed the disease leaves the organs , most surgeons remove the organs leave the disease their not going to tell you that . I'll post something later we're women regret having hysterectomy . Of course it's down to personal choice and pain . I've still adenomyosis it's very small amount and only because the area it's in needs bowel resection , which might have left me with temp stoma . However Prof k didn't think it will cause me pain so he didn't put me through that upset . I'd got through it but he knew I'd been distraught . There minths after my operation I've had no problems . I've said this earlier , when in hospital he had patient who like me was advanced stage four deep inflirting endo . He operated nine years ago , checked her while I was in the hospital . All her endo STILL gone ! Please please do your homework DONT believe the crap surgeons feed you . I know it's easy to give in , I nearly did until I was told risk to life and organs . Something inside of me gave me the strength to fight HSE surgeons gov to get to Austria to a world leader , only took three surgeries cancelled and million tears , horrific pain 24/7 but I did it ! Ladies if anyone would like to chat to me I'm available . I wish you good day and I keep you all in my prayers . Xx

March 18, 2017
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Thank you Melissa :)

March 17, 2017

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