Physical Therapy
Has anyone been told by a gynecologist prior to being diagnosed with endometriosis to try and go to physical therapy for the pelvic floor ?
Yeah this will be my 6th session and I have noticed that as well. Although I know the physical therapist has said each time there are knots and inflimation . I just wish that I could already be diagnosed and then move forward because it is so much work and money to try and see different doctors and take time off work .
I have been recommended to a pelvic floor therapist just recently but I have been diagnosed and had a surgery to remove once so I guess it depends on your doctor? I do know that I must see a floor therapist now and I had to exhaust all my options to chemically control it (birth control, visanne, IUD)
They told me they would not do the surgery unless I completed this first. And I have had a second opinion. I feel like it's never ending just getting the run around .
I was told to try physical therapy before my surgery and I told them I was in too much pain and needed to know for sure. The doctor agreed to the surgery and had to burn some of the spots. I was pain free for about 6 months.
Pelvic Physical Therapy
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy??
Anyone Try Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?