Nausea Remedies
I was diagnosed with endo in 2012 when I was 13 and I am now 19. I have constant nausea, dizziness, ibs, high heart rate, erratic blood pressure (low and high) and can't seem to lose weight. I haven't been to see my gynaecologist since 2014 because I was told by other specialists that these symptoms couldn't be from endo so there wasn't any point seeing her. It has gotten to the point where I can no longer do anything and just stay home everyday because I am in too much pain and feel so sick… read more
I find graval helps, the liquid one's with ginger, it's non drowsy, I also find mints help as well, i use excel the green one. Hope this may help.
Aww i feel your pain, these are definetely associated with Endometriosis.. Try and push to see your dr ASAP, u shouldnt have to keep going like this without proper treatment. Warm baths and heat packs help. Nausea is a hard one, i suffer from this as well ur gp may be able to give you some anti-emetic medication to help until u see ur other dr. Ginger, cinnamon, peppermint tea and chamomile tea and making sure you drink lots of water. With ur IBS have you tried the FODMAP diet? This could help :)
Poor girl. Ur so young. Have u got good pain relief ?
What pain relief have they given u if u don't mind me asking. Hot water bottles help me a lot. And have u been offered any laser surgery? Xx
Advocate as fiercely as you can for yourself, and trust your body. You deserve the respect and care from your doctors that all patients deserve!!! I recommend seeing an endocrinologist or an endometriosis specialist because often OBGYN’s are uninformed or misinformed about endo. I also would suggest using a heating pad for pain, CBD lotion as well for pain (it has been my savior!), and ginger or mint tea for nausea. If you’ve ever considered using CBD oils before, those are also a miracle worker for nausea (a few drops under my tongue helped me a lot before I was diagnosed and my doctor could prescribe me anti-nausea medicine). Sending you lots of hugs!!! You will get through this, and we are all here for you!
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