TTC After Mirena
TTC after Mirena
I had my Mirena taken out and stopped taking a double dosage of progesterone almost a month ago because it just wasn't helping and I've been waiting for the pain, the constant pain I know too well. Waiting to endure a period so we can TTC. But I haven't had pain, ZERO so far. The only time I've been pain free symptom free in the past five years is when I've been pregnant or immediately after birth
Could I be pregnant so soon? I feel great, normally TTC for us is agony until… read more
Here's an update: Wasn't pregnant. I went 70+days w/o a period but had endo symptoms starting around 50+days, swelling, bloating, pain etc.. Went to my doctor and he prescribed Duphaston, two pills for 14days to start a cycle. He was super surprised I didn't have a period right away since I was on the hormone coil AND I was taking a 20mg of progesterone daily. He did an internal.ultrasound, no cysts and lots of large follicles. He looked at my pictures of the swelling and when he did an internal examination noted the swelling and pain spots. So I'm 3days past the 14day pack and crossing my fingers for a period. If one doesn't come in a month next treatment will be clomid he said. Anyone else having any luck?
Btw I have also read stories where it takes some people a couple of months to get their cycles. I think maybe thats what happening now to me, since its taking so long.
I had a full period when I took it out. I'm ttc.. had signs of ovulation and all. My period was due and I do have discharge (brown) more like spotting. But no pain is not normal..
Have you vidited your doctor?
Nope 40days still no period. Did you have a full period? I'm exactly the same, I feel great, which means a period isn't nearby. Never before have I wanted that gut wrenching cramping and stabs so badly. Instead I've had crazy wacky emotions which i think is probably hormone imbalance due to going cold turkey on all that progesterone. I did have one day with my stabbing cramps and i thought, YAY period time, but it was gone a fee hours later. On Day 50 I'm making another appointment with my OB.
Have you had a period yet?
I've had my mirena out too for 1 month, had a cycle soon after.. now my period is due again but nothing. I'm also waiting for that pain to start.. with a period which doesnt appear?
I have had brown discharge but if it was my period I should have had that pain that usually happens with my endometriosis.
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