In Order To Have Or Be Diagnosed With This Disease Do You Have To Have Some Or All Of The Symptoms All The Time
Or with every menstrual cycle or can you have flare ups that happen every so often like a few times a year. More or less than that. What if you only have a few of the symptoms like all the time and none of some of the most common ones
Endometriosis can only be diagnosed surgically. However, everyone experiences the sympotms differently. Some people have them all the time/daily, others have them more at different times in their cycle, and for others it feels more sporadic/random. So, what you describe may very well be how some women experience endo. Personally, I experience fatigue almost daily, but certain symptoms are more limited to my period. As far as pain levels, those vary for me based on a variety of factors (stress, activity level, diet, etc.). I hope that makes sense.
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Is It Even Possible To Have Sex And Endo? My Poor Hubby Is So Sweet And Patient But I Know It Bothers Him. What Have Your Experiences Been?
My Pain Seems To Get Worse Or Be Triggered After I Have Eaten Or If I Have A Full Bladder. Does Anyone Else Have This. Pain Is On Left Side