Does Anyone Have Any Advice On When You Think The Right Time Is For A Second Lap?
My GP and surgeon were not very helpful when it came to this.. had my first surgery last year and now my pain is back to the same level as it was before this. Im not sure when to go back to my GP and suggest a second surgery?
That sounds awful! Im not sure, i think he burnt it all away but he wasnt very forthcoming with information.. im hoping a specialist will be different. Im not sure how to go about getting into one though, i’m hoping itll just be a normal referral..
Bless you! Do you know if they ablated it or excised it? That makes all the difference. Ablation can cause it to grow back, think of endo as a weed! Pulling it from the roots (excision) is the best way to get rid of it! Problem is that the more surgeries you have the more scar tissue and adhesions are formed thus perpetuating the cycle... I was lucky, or so I thought, I was able to go 7 years before I got bad enough to have to have another surgery. Last December I had a laparotomy and ended up needed a bowel resection, I had deep infiltrating endo and it had grown a mass that was strangling and infiltrating my large intestine... then just 3 weeks ago (barely 6 months after my last laparotomy) I had to have another surgery and this time I lost everything (total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy) and it was all full of endo AND adhesions had grown around everything, my uterus was tethered to my gall bladder, my large intestine, my left ovary and my left ureter which was being sandwiched between the ovary and uterus... all of that had happened in just 6 months :-/ So, I know some people who’ve had to have surgery less than 6 months apart, some they have yearly surgeries and some that can go 2-5 years... You are smart to look for a specialist, they can help you! I’m glad I stop getting the run around from my gynecologist and sought out a specialist! Good luck and God bless!
Oh thats a good idea! Ill have a look and see what i can do, thank you x
You can also find the specialist and if they have a private practice you can make an appointment with them. And then they can refer you back to themselves on the NHS.
I did this twice. Helps jump the que a little :) cost ne £150 for the appointment. But that can cut up to 9 months off your overall waiting. x
Im in the UK so ill need referring again unfortunately! I have requested to join that page, Thank you!
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