Can They Issue A Lap If Tests Come Back Normal?
I am not diagnosed officially. I have so much anxiety about “what if it isnt endo?” and questioning the reality of my pain on ‘tolerable’ days. I know many tests do not always reveal endo but can doctors really issue a procedure just going off symptoms? Im worried I wont get further testing because my ultrasounds, etc keep coming back normal :/
My GYN told me that endometriosis rarely shows up on an ultrasound and can be diagnosed based on symptoms, though the only way to confirm a diagnosis is through surgery.
You will need to fight for surgery. And it will be worth it. You will get an answer either way.
Keep pushing. In my uni years I was at my doctors weekly. I refused to go away until they found out what was wrong. I was furious.
But I got my lap. Now goinfg for my 3rd one. Keep fighting, you will get there.
I would also suggested seeing a different doctor. Get seconds, third and fourth opinions. If you can try find a younger doctor, sometimes they are more up to date. Take the NICE Guidelines with you. May help.
Omg I have this exact anxiety , not diagnosed by surgery only based off my symptoms. Was pushed to take Visanne a progesterone only pill I think they can issue a lap if you’re not responding to hormonal treatment. But I was also told that if the hormones make your pain go away that it is a diagnosis in itself for endo - two confusing things borh told to me by doctors. My biggest fear is that they go in for a lap and find nothing. But I know I have adeno so hopefully they find endo. I know it’s weird to say hopefully but I’ve had no life the last year suffering and trying to get myself a diagnosis. On a good day I’m like “was everything in my head?”, it helps to write detailed symptoms hourly or so and tell someone you trust “this is me in a bad flare don’t ever let me tell you all my pain is Gone “ or “remind me about this flare when I say I have no more pains “ sounds extreme lol but my sister has to remind me that I’m ok today but yesyerday I was rolling around in pain
That is exactly what mine said too
All of my tests came back negative, I had 3 or 4 ultrasounds, tried so many pills. But I will say I didn’t haven’t to fight for my surgery like so many other women. I did have to wait until I was 18 because my Pediatric Gyno didn’t believe me. But I went into two different surgeons and the first took a look at my symptoms even without an ultrasound and told me he definitely thought I had it and to think about the surgery, read some info and come back and book it. The next surgeon I went to (I didn’t like the first guy’s bedside manner), the doctor booked in my surgery that day.
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