Bleeding Between Periods?
As things have progressed, I find myself wondering what is “normal.” This might be TMI but does anyone else get vaginal bleeding/spotting outside of their period when trying for a bowel movement? I know it’s vaginal. I had it earlier on but it seems to just be worse and worse. Thanks ladies.
Tow - thank you so much. Glad I’m not alone in the “is this normal pain or new and bad pain?” And yeah, I think I spent so much time on baby center threads that it became norm to preface anything with a TMI warning. Thank you so much. I know this disease can be a messy one.
Also, same here having various vowel issues - I’m hoping those clear up after excision. Thank you again.
Flower - Yeah, I have been in constant contact pretty much with either my NP or OBGYN on symptoms that pop up. It’s just so annoying when it becomes more frequent. Just makes me that much more eager for this damn surgery.
I wondered that too. "Is this normal?" eventually turned into "Is this emergent?" Questions that those with chronic illness face so much but many people don't understand why. I don't know about in terms of bowel movements but I know that I had vaginal bleeding as my endo worsened, especially after sex but other times it seemed like it happened out of nowhere. And it wasn't a period, as it was often light or really bad for just a day, and my periods have always been 10+ days long accompanied with crippling pain unabetted by medication and a flow that required pad changing every few hours or I'd bleed into my clothes. So I knew for sure it was spotting. I didn't think it had to do with bowel movements but it could have and I just didn't make the correlation. Constipation was a frequent and long-chronic issue for me before my excision surgery, so I may not have noticed the correlation.
As far as TMI goes - we've all lived through some pretty graphic bodily stuff and I honestly don't think TMI within the context of this network is a necessary disclaimer - you should feel free to discuss your symptoms and feel safe here.
My poor boyfriend has dealt with so much at this point including being in a hospital room with me while they changed my bedpan and holding my hair back when I vomit and holding my hand when I'm crying on the toilet. Feeling embarrassed or ashamed of these issues just increases the stress. You're safe here. <3
I know this was a while ago but I’m wondering if you were able to find out what was going on? I have similar symptoms of vaginal bleeding after I eat certain foods (inflammatory I’m guessing) and wonder if that’s a thing? If food can cause the endo to bleed, idk
Hahaha omg this made my morning...tok freakin funny and cute
Any bleeding in between needs to be discussed with Dr.for safety.
Visanne And Periods?
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