Anyone Experiencing Shoulder Blade Pain With Endo?
I have been experiencing a lot of shoulder blade pain the last few years...I have not injured myself but if flares up like a burning sensation usually around ovulation and period time. I have recently been diagnosed with Endo - after going back and forth to dr with symptoms for about 10 years now - no lap done so they are just assuming I have it and all my symptoms point to that....I started visanne in September and symptoms have subsided somewhat but a lot of side effects came along with… read more
yes, after taking vissane for 4months, I exactly have the same symptoms that you are experiencing. I wonder it may be because of the vissane effects on bone density. I wish I could resolve it somehow
Interesting... I hate the shoulder blade pain... it scares me.. have had every test done possible and nothing shows.. I don’t have any luck with birth control either.. I stopped visanne just over a week ago... after getting through 3 packages... headaches and nausea stopped within a day... guess it wasn’t all in my head..
Has Anyone Been Able To Get Pregnant Naturally After Excision Surgery ? Would Love To Hear Your Stories!
Butt And Lower Pain During Sex
Does Anyone Have Endometriosis And Hashimoto's?