Siactic Symptoms
Does anyone have really bad siatic symptoms with endo flares? They were pushing on my ovaries today during vaginal ultrasound the pain was in my right hip/buttocks all the way down my leg. Like pain that made me sick. Then my stomach got really up set like right before having diarreah.
Yes! They told me it was because I have a tilted uterus so everything back there gets inflamed too!
Oh most definitely a TV sono can cause sciatic symptoms. A physician in Cleveland told me that adhesions encapsulate our nerve endings causing severe pain. Endometriosis on the sciatic nerve itself is a definite possibility.
Feel better!
I’m not sure @A MyEndometriosisTeam Member! I go for my post op appointment next week and I will ask them. I was so out of it, my fiancé is still telling me things that I don’t even remember happening!
My sciatica is on the same side as all my endo lesions, and it usually only flares up if my endo flares are worse than normal.
It sucks so hard!
I used to have sciatic flare ups before my surgery....bad to the point I couldn't walk. I would get it after sex sometimes, too. So the ultrasound could have affected it. I'm so sorry! It's not a comfortable feeling at all. Ice versus heat! Feel better!
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Does Anyone Else Get Severe Pain Down Their Leg Into Their Knee When Flaring?