Hysterectomy And Ovaries Removal Advice?
Hey I’m now to here and really seeking advice.
I’m almost 33 and possibly considering hysterectomy and ovaries removed which then would start surgical menopause.
Mini history:
October 2017 major op to remove recto vaginal nodule, Fallopian tube removal, the skin that covers our organ removed, bowel shave and endo lesions etc taken.
Previous laps
Currently have the Mirena coil but its not improving my situation.
I’m worried what will happen to my body after surgery?
Endometriosis occurs outside the uterus on the pelvic peritoneum. Unless you have adenomyosis with Endometriosis in the wall of the uterus, a hysterectomy may not help.
I noted that after hysterectomy, I had pain all the time not just with menses. I would suggest you see a laparoscopic excision specialist for surgery in the future.
I’m 37 and my doctor has talked about the same. But remember that a hysterectomy won’t cure endo. If you have a hysterectomy before menopause and there any endo left, it can still grow and cause problems. Obviously, the choice is yours but just beware.
Thank you, I’ve had the pelvic peritoneum removed with my last op which was also included excising the Endo as well as Fallopian tubes and rectovaginal nodule.
I completely understand your frustration and feeling like you’re out of options. Have you tried Lupron?
Another dr in my drs office suggested it to me as a last ditch effort before a hysterectomy. She said it’s a 3-6 month “cool down”. It’ll also give you a chance to kinda experience menopause without it being permanent. Hugs. I know how awful this disease is.
I’m running out of options. I’ve had true excision surgery but even then endo cells that are microscopic can be seen. I’m struggling to find literature on surgical menopause in women before menopausal age hence my question. I’m very aware that a full hysterectomy is not the cure but I feel it’s a start and if more surgery is on the cards then I’m just thinking have the whole lot evicted. I would want to take HRT for menopausal sidebar affects but I’m frightened of running out of options. This disease has already taken a lot of my life.
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