Ovarian Cyst
After lots of abdominal pain again after laparoscopy in sept I had a ultrasound 2 weeks ago and found I had a Hemorrhagic Cyst on my right ovary is this a endometriosis thing?? Xx
My specialist told me a cyst like you describe ( a hemorrhagic çyst) is something that often happens to anyone during a cycle and can take 3 months to go away. She said they mostly always go away by themselves, but if they're bigger can cause pain while they are there.. hope that helps🤗
I had a hemorrhagic cyst in 2002/2003. It had solid components, so I was sent to an oncologist. Thank G-d it resolved itself, and no surgery was necessary. I was also told it wasn't related to endo.
Does that depend on surgeon who treated you ?? X
I had an ultrasound scan 3 weeks after laparoscopy and was all clear and now I have this cyst ?? Haven’t been to the g.p yet to have my review just wondered if you knew if this kind of cyst is Endo related ? Xxx
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Ovarian Cysts