Haven't Had An Official Diagnosis, Kind Of Stuck With Doctors After Them Saying It Was Highly Possible. Next Step/ Suggestions?
A few years ago, my doctor asked if i knew what endo was. At the time it was new to me, now I know a little more. The doctors I have gone to have said it is highly likely with my symptoms and everything that I have endo. We did ultrasounds to check for cysts. My question is what is the best plan of action next? Do I keep prying for answers? Or is it just IBS? Thanks!
You can ask for a laparoscopy with an endometriosis to confirm the diagnosis. I haven't had one, just an MRI with an an endo specialist too but you could see my endo on it. Having a diagnosis will help you get treatment. Please take care !
I second joining Nancy's Nook. Most doctors, even gyns, don't really know what to do with us. Best of luck ๐๐
Next Step is to Join Nancy's Nook Education group if hasn't joined till yet. Search in Excision for a specialist near your living. Proceed for Laparoscopy for diagnosis and treatment enshalla
Thank you! I am hopeful in the next steps that I will receive answers and healing from this pain. I appreciate your insights!
When Were You Diagnosed And What Age? Any Misdiagnoses Or Comments From Your Doctors?
How Do You Deal With Being Reffered To As Moody By Your Loved Ones Or You Are "complaining"?
Hey, Does Anyone Have Any Tips To Prepare For My TVUS? I Am Nervous And Its My First Time