Tube Removal / Hysterectomy Pros And Cons
Obgyn is wanting to take tubes out during my excision procedure... pros and cons of tube removal or hysterectomy?? I know removing the endometriosis is 1st step, but will removing tubes or having a hysterectomy help at all??
I had a hysterectomy with tubal removal. Still having a lot of pain so idk if that really helps at all. My situation is different though considering my Dr never checked everything when doing the hysterectomy. Have to now see an Endo specialist tomorrow.
It's not my own personal experience, but my mom had a hysterectomy that took out everything except one lonely ovary. She says it was the best thing she ever did. Life-changing, in a good way. And she has never had to do HRT.
Something to keep in mind, my mom's hysterectomy was in 1998 when she was 47. I'm sure things have changed and improved since then.
I had my tubes removed when I had my hysterectomy and bowel surgery. I had not realised how painful egg movement had been until it wasn't there anymore.
Oh Danielle I have had both surgeries done at different times hysterectomy in 2008 and fallopian tubes removed in early 2018 and some lazer ablation done inbetween that time and now in the last couple of months I am suffering again so muchb , it's not a cure , yes it does help but slowly creeps back up , I was told by my specialist that it wasn't a cure but I had to do it because I was at my wits end x
I have had a tube removed...but not a hysterectomy. My tube was full of endo so they had to remove it. It took a little more to recover from than my previous laparoscopys.
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After 5 Years Of Fighting Endo, I’ve FINALLY Been Approved For A Hysterectomy With This Next Excision Surgery. Any Tips Or Advice??
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