Is There Any Pain Relievers That Have Helped You On Flare Up Days? Or Is There A Certain Birth Control That Has Made Your Endo A Lot Better?
Pain meds that have helped you/ birth control or any method you use to help you get through a painful day.
Thank you all so much!!🥰
I haven't found anything that helps the pain drug wise other than, like, hydrocodone. Otherwise my savior is heat, lots of heat.
I recently started taking codeine and I think it made a difference. I took it with 3 tablets of tramadol on the same day so I can't be sure which of the two drugs helped me but Tramadol alone usually isn't enough for me.
Edit : I just looked up the interactions between codeine and tramadol. They can be dangerous taken together. I didn't know that. So please don't take them together like I did !
I took OxyContin for the pain but u have to get a prescription for that and Junel Fe for birth control after my surgery. The bc has really suppressed my ovaries making symptoms reduce drastically.
A combination of Motrin and tramadol followed by a hot shower.
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