Has Anyone Else Found That If You Keep Your Gut Healthy That Your Pain Is Greatly Reduced Or Stays Away?
I’m wondering if this is common or if I’m just strange or lucky? I had moderate pain a few days per month for about 10 years until my gut got messed up (SIBO) and then I was in pain most of the time (3 weeks per month) and had a ton of new symptoms. After working on my gut with a naturopath and taking LDN I don’t have symptoms anymore as long I keep my gut happy. If I eat a bunch of foods on my inflammatory foods list or I let stress take me over then my gut gets unhappy and the pain shows up… read more
In a way I’m thankful that my condition got so much worse that it gave me the motivation to make these changes to improve my health. I’d just been putting up with the pain and also some mild gut issues for most of my life. Most of my anxiety went away once my gut was healthy too.
Yes, I've been doing that, eating healthy and do have less pain. Some food do inflame the Endo pain. 🤗
Anyone Taking Visanne Have Prolonged Periods?
Period Stopped And Vaginal Dryness Was Extreme While On Visanne. Anyone Had The Same Problem?