Laproscopy When Can I Have Sex After Surgery/baby
Hello every one
I had my laproscopy on the 5th feb ive been told i dont need a follow up as they have removed all the endo.. one of the places i had endo was the pouch of douglas which used to cause all kinds of pain including painful sex, what i am wondering is
When can i return to having sex after my op how long should i wait ?im still quite sore at the moment and dont want to cause any problems
Also i would like to try for a baby and was told to leave ir at least 6 months?? Any thoughts… read more
That is very unusual to not have a post op but I’ve heard it here a few times- “we removed all the endo we could. You’re good” but any surgery should have a post op because there’s always risk of infection.
I ended up getting pregnant not even one month after my endo removal after suffering with infertility for 4 years prior. Listen to your body for sure.
I would schedule an appointment with your gynecologist. Even though we look like we are healed on the outside, healing on the inside takes a while longer. Not sure on how detailed the procedure was. I'd say not until the next normal period?
All surgeries have post op appt. Why are you asking us? It depends on what your doctor saw during the excision and I believe you have samples taken to be send for biopsy. I understand you're eager but you went through a serious surgery and it isn't light at all. Tissue was removed from various areas and body needs to you don't want to wait until you're healed but things happen when you're pregnant and a rule of thumb there's truth to infections. Maybe you handle infections better than my system. I taught students and picked up everything and got the stomach bug. Anyhow, trust your body but your body will repair itself if you give it time. You might feel like you can just throw yourself back into the swing of things but isn't there matters that you should be concerned and asking professionals about not us. What may work for me will not with for you.
They said you don’t need a follow up? Not even to make sure you’re healing properly?
We waited two weeks after my surgery before having sex again. We thought we had to wait until my post-op appointment but he told us then that we could have started whenever I felt up to it.
Advice Please?
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