Can You Lose Weight With Endo?
Ive seen alot about weight gain with endo. Is it also common to lose weight because of endo. Ive lost about 6kg
The thing is that weight control with Endo is difficult. Depending on what treatment you are on at the time, your weight may or may not be impacted. Most common is weight gain, but it's not always the case. The best way to keep it on would be to consult your doctor to find out what's causing the weight loss. Truthfully, there are a lot of non-endo things that cause weight loss and they are usually pretty big deal things, so it may be safe to consult with your doctor regardless. Sorry I can't give a more definitive answer.
I believe so, last year I lost alot of weight because of been in pain everyday. But this year am getting better, I gained abit.
I lost 6 lbs just cutting out dairy, but I'm honestly eating more and healthier now than I was before.
Im not happy to be losing weight. My question was to ask if others also if they have trouble maintaining their weight due to endo. I dont want to eat healthier. I judt want to keep my weight on!
Im trying to eat normally but the weight is just falling off. I should be about 8kg heavier than my current weight.
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