Does Endometriosis Increase Possibility For Co Vid 19?
I swear this year can just go and get itself slapped...
My boyfriend and I both have symptoms which seem flu like. I am going to try to be tested tomorrow for COVID-19. I work in healthcare and we have had virtually no protective equipment available to us as it was stolen from our unit last week.
I have very swollen glands, body pain and a very sore throat so far. My boyfriend has the shakes, weakness and a fever. We live separately, so we have been self isolating. I am wondering if anyone… read more
Endo Australia is saying no but I know endo acts like an auto immune disease even if it isn’t officially one. I talked to a ER dr yesterday and asked her about some of my other conditions. She said that the truth is they don’t know. It’s all too new to have a real answer. Now I have several other conditions- asthma, POTS, and a med I take for my pots is actually a corticosteroid and suppresses my immune system.
This talks about the immune system and endo.
My daughter also has endo but no other conditions and has a super strong immune system., so we shall see.
At the end of the day, if you have symptoms and a reason to truly believe you’ve been infected, it’s very possible., endo or not.
Low iron does, too some degree, compromise your immune system
That dosn't sound good u and bf may have co vid 19 and swollen and other health problems.
in my experience, my immune system goes through waves. i either get like 3 colds in the winter season or none at all. as of right now, it’s almost april and i still haven’t gotten one so fingers crossed my immune system is strong enough to not kill me if i do get the virus lol. if it makes u feel any better, my little brother has the flu right now but not the virus. just try to keep in mind that there r so many different illnesses out there and whatever u have, will pass!!
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