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Feeling Weak 17days After Laparoscopy Excision Surgery... Any Advice On How Or When I’ll Start Feeling Myself Again?

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Indianapolis, IN

It’s been 17 days post op and I thought I would be back to normal by now, but I still feel weak even walking and I can’t even do 5 push ups without being tired and dizzy. I’m used to being an athlete and staying fit, so me being weak and tired all the time has been a struggle. Any advice on how to get back to normal shape or any insight on how long the recovery really takes?

September 13, 2020
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A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Im not sure how extensive yours was, but I am 7 weeks post op and honestly had to adjust my expectations because I found that after doing a few of my regular workout routines after a month, I would be in major pain for a full week following.

Everyone is different, and it may be day 19 you feel completely back to yourself (and I hope this is the case). I would suggest starting slow (maybe stretching) and then being active every other day to see how your body tolerates it. I certainly wasnt a pro athlete prior or anything (haha), but worked out 5 days a week and am in good shape. I learned the hard way (being stubborn) to avoid core work for now. That's just me, but yoga I tolerate well, brisk walks, some dance and leg and arm work so far. I know it's hard because you may be at the point where you feel your body is your own again and feel normal, but it still needs rest and time to adjust to movement I believe.

I wish you a speedy recovery and I hope this helps. I feel I needed to reach out because I really set myself back in my impatience to work out. Because of that, all last week was written off and I was in a ton of pain (and went to emerg). Everything was fine, but I felt the same level of presurgery pain, which is frightening and I dont want to happen to you.

Slow and steady, girl. You'll get there! I feel if I hadnt jogged after a month or done core work I would have been there already. I think the fatigue is because your body does most of its healing when youre at rest ~ so, its telling us to take it easy. The dizziness will go away and the fatigue as well.

It can seem scary, but your on the mend an and it may not be a straight path quite yet but will be soon.

Hugs! Xox

September 13, 2020 (edited)

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