What Are The Signs?
I have had intense cramps since my first period. Pain in legs and thighs. My legs would hurt a lot almost ever day. Pain during sex. I have only been told it's a possibility and to get confirmation would be invasive. Maybe it was my age that did not cause for any further investigation if I really have it.
I am curious as to how others have found out for sure that they had this?
Thanks 😊
Find a doctor on Nancys nook website or Facebook page. they are much more experienced with this disease and can help you. There are some doctors that can now do MRIs to look for endo, it is relatively new so it may be hard to find someone but Nancys Nook docs should be able to do it. I had mine done at the Mayo Clinic.
You absolutely need a specialist. Most OB/GYNs really don't know anything about it. The only real way to be diagnosed currently is laparoscopic surgery, but I would only get it done by a real specialist. I was diagnosed by an OB/GYN who told me she would remove what she found, only she didn't because she wasn't skilled enough. So, I ended up having to have another surgery with a much better doctor.
You should not have to be in pain everyday!
Looking for similar information. My current gynecologist refused to even do the laproscopic surgery to check for endometriosis, and said they wouldnt even consider doing it unless I have trouble conceiving for awhile, or already have kids and referred me back to my primary care dr to check for IBS. I will be asking him at my appointment tomorrow for a referral to an endometriosis specialist and new gynecologist office while I am there.
Exercise Help Symptoms
Endo Diet
Endo Awareness Youtube