Experience With Dr. Kimberly Swan In Overland Park, KS?
Does anyone have experience with Dr. Kimberly Swan. I am considering having her do my surgery to remove a large cyst (endometrioma) as well as possible endometriosis. I have met with her but I'm still on the fence.
Thats very helpful. Ive heard really mixed reviews. π¬
I tried this route, only to be denied any choice in my care. It was hysterectomy with cervix removed and that was it. Period. No lap, no nothing. And worse, no disability accommodations (her office literally refused). Due to covid, this landed me in a bad spot as there aren't many options here. Once I pressed her on this, she admitted she didn't know how to do certain procedures in certain ways, and one of her colleagues that I also saw told me to my face that supracervical hysterectomies don't exist trying to force me into the total. In the end they scheduled me for surgery without me OKing it, only to have me cancel it, which they then considered me being "non-compliant". So that's a huge no on endo care from her, and honestly I had a biopsy from out of state, so it wasn't merely suspected. (To clarify, my bigger issue is fibroids, or rather that's the more immediate/growing issue, but insisting on a total hyst with no other options is weird and left me feeling very violated).
What have you heard? I've just seen the reviews online.
Well, she was great the first meeting. She was the first Dr. to really talk to me about endometriosis instead of just telling me I most likely have it. She seemed open to me steering the way with how I want to approach treatment. After chatting a bit about my experiences and her thoughts she did a physical exam. I went in with a list of questions I had learned I wanted to ask from research and interactions with past Dr.'s. She told me to schedule a second appointment so we would have more time to devote to just the questions and to go over the results of the ultrasound she was having me get. My second appointment was today (about a month since the initial appointment). She seemed confused as to why I was there and when I said I still hadn't heard if my ultrasound from 2 weeks ago showed any changes from the last one I had somewhere else back in August she they didn't have them yet but then found them. So we were off to a bit of rough start in my mind. My main concern is that when I asked her about how the large cyst on my ovary would be removed safely in case the contents actually did contain cancer cells (all the Dr.'s I have seen said there's a small chance of that, but that was also why they were pushing to get it removed even though it's not really bothering me much) she said it's going to burst open that's just what they do and there's no safeguard. That even if there were cancer cells the staging would be the same because I have cysts on both ovaries. None of that made since. Once cancer cells are spread through a body cavity they spread they are no longer in a confined "package" that you could possibly remove. I have heard of busting the cyst open in a bag and then removing it as well as endometriomas being removed intact. She just seemed oblivious to the idea of it being cancerous. So that made me uneasy since that's the main reason I'm even bothering to have the cyst removed. My regular gynecologist and an oncologist I went to for a second opinion were telling me I might need to have an ovary or my uterus removed with the cyst if there were too many adhesions which is what led me to Dr. Swan. From my research I learned large endometrioma cysts most always indicate later stage endometriosis and I felt like someone with experience with that might be able to spare my reproductive organs. Which she is confident she can do. Basically when I starting asking her technical questions her answers just seemed kind of vague. She just kept telling me "this is what I do (treat endometriosis)" - translation "just trust me". If I come in educated enough to ask her serious technical questions about her technique I feel like she should respond with technical answers. Also she said residents would be present for the surgery and that she would let them do less complicated parts of the surgery like sutures. I just came out of the second appointment with a different impression of her. I'm not sure what to think.
I actually just made an appointment with her for May. I haven't met her yet. I'd love to hear what you were on the fence about. Would you mind sharing?
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