I Have Chronic Endometriosis. What Stage Am I ? Stage1 Stage2 Stage 3 Or Stage 4?
I had a laparoscopy surgery done 2 years ago. My diagnosis is Chronic Endometriosis. I didn't know about stages the disease has until a friend of mine asked me do you know what stage I have.
Today pains getting worser back again.
I take Alleve Excedrins at times Tylenol Pepto for now nauseous bad headaches, real sick I get before getting my period.
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You need to go back to the doctor that diagnosed you. Never be afraid to ask questions or to tell them about all your concerns and all possible symptoms. Don't worry about feeling stupid or embarrassed. Its the docs responsibility to know how to answer your questions and if they don't have the experience they should refer you to someone who can. They should also know that somethings are hard to talk about and they should do everything they can try to put you at ease. Your condition is only going to get worse without continual care. And learn everything you can the more you know the better you can help yourself and the the doc can help you better.
What Is Deep Lesion Of Endometriosis?
Heya. Do You Know What Stage Of Endometriosis You Have. I Only Have Stage One But The Pain Is Severe.
Are Pain Levels Higher When You Have Both Endo And Fibromyalgia?