Hi I wanted to know if having colonoscopy was part of your treatment plan once diagnosed with a bowel DIE endrometriosis nodule?
Even after surgery what I mean is mine was an unexpected finding and no biospy was done to confirm it was actually endometriosis I'm having doubts that's it's DIE endrometriosis nodule I need a biospy to confirm that's what it is.
@A MyEndometriosisTeam Member did they suspect endometriosis after seeing it during an operation or was it prior to surgery?
What stage was the cancer when they found it.
I had a colonoscopy to search for endo in the colon (what they suspected) instead they found colon cancer. Get the colonoscopy you are never to young!! Iām 32!
Has Anyone Had Anything Show Up On A Colonoscopy?
Anyone With Returning Endo Systems After Full Hysterectomy Including Ovaries?
Who Has GERD OR GASTRITIS Here? I Think My Gerd Got Worsen Now That I Have Endo?