My Dr Wants Me To Try Medication
So my dr said she doesn’t want me to have surgery *also to even confirm I have endo. She said based off my symptoms she can diagnose me with endo* and tries to avoid it until her patients are older. She suggested I try Orlissa or Lupron for my endo. I’ve horrible things about of those medications and don’t know what to do. I guess my question is what are some of y’all’s experiences with those meds and do you think I try one or find an obgyn who will do the surgery?
Find another doctor. Get a 2nd opinion.
Hi sis,sorry to hear that,but yes I agree some doctors but not all I feel they just offer you a lot of pills,oral or injectable pills without giving you any comforting advice what to avoid.
Ive experince in 2017,My OBGYN injected me a GNRH or Lupron hormone,the side effects for me are so terrible you feel everything a menopause woman has.but the thing I cant tolerate is myvpalpitation so I stop the 2nd to 3rd shots.but it helps tempirarily....I shift to Vesaane and its good but for me it cost a lot of money to be better...
I pray that all women here suffering this disease well be healed Amen.
Surgery To Remove Uterus And Adhesions
Thoughts On Hysterectomy
Has Anyone Ever Been Diagnosed With IBS, When It Really Was Endometriosis All Along?