Anyone Have Excess Estrogen? I Have A Mirena Coil In For 15 Years, And On Prostap For 9 Months, And Still Sky High Estrogen Levels?
I've had 5 surgeries to remove endo and cysts. Hysteroscopies, colposcopies galore. My coil likes to go hiking
I'm currently on prostap and mirena to help shut my ovaries down. I don't think it's working! Specialist said it's impossible that my ovaries are still working, but blood test results indicate my estrogen is still way too high. I'm on a low histamine diet to reduce the histamine/estrogen loop. I'm taking testosterone as level was near zero, I don't drink, I'm on the very low end of… read more
Has Anyone Ever Tried The Newest Mini Pill, Slynd ?
Pregnancy With Endometriosis After Depo Provera?
Endometriosis, Mirena, Age And Fertility