After Total Hysterectomy Can You Still Have Endometriosis
I’m on chronic pain after total hysterectomy followed by adhesions and did adhesiolysis many times but pain is a problem but decided to stop scheduled tablets due to side effects
Yes you can. I had 2 surgeries prior to my hysterectomy and 3 post hysterectomy. The last surgery they had to leave live endometriosis on my rt ureter and my pelvic cul d sac due to the depth of it in my organs.
I am forever educating peeps on a hysterectomy is not a cure all. Endometriosis can be microscopic meaning even the best surgeon can’t see it.
Unfortunately yes you can! It can grow back depending in what stage you have or if they didn't remove all of the endo correctly with the full hysterectomy. I continue to get laporoscopies every few years still afyer my full hysterectomy. Scar tissue needs to continually be removed too, buy this last time the dr I had used some powder stuff she put inside me after she removed endo and adhesions, it's supposed to prevent more scar tissue from forming and I think it worked bc it's been 3 years since the surgery and I don't need another one yet. I will try to find out what it was called. A general surgeon used it inside me after a hernia surgery too. So it may be fairly new yet. Prayers for you!
Can I Have Endometriosis After Total Hysterectomy
Visanne - Stopping This Med?
Can You Still Have Endometriosis After A Complete Hysterectomy?