Has Anyone Ever Tried The Newest Mini Pill, Slynd ?
I tried 3 IUDs and my body rejected all 3; then tried Norethrindrone and I hated it . My weight changed for the worse and it effected my mood. So I stopped . My doc told me about a newer pill called Slynd . Wondering if anyone else has had experience with this ?
Thank you !!!
Can I Take Co Drydomol 20mg With 20 Mg Amytriptyline ?
Thank you x
Have Widespread Endometriosis
Hi I hope someone can help I've been to my GP he did blood test and my estrogen levels are low I'm 47 it's causing a lot of problems down below he has prescribed 10mg of vagifem weekly to help I was a bit concerned because I said to him I taught that estrogen feeds endometriosis he said it was fine because it is a low dose and I'm not taking it by mouth so it's just helping the problem below has anyone tried this before as I'm getting really depressed cause I've tried all of the creams and… read more
Yes I was talking a low estrogen pill orally, it made everything so much worse than it would have been if I was just using my progesterone implant. The implant wasn’t controlling my bleeding so we… read more
I'm Havent Been Diagnosed With Endo, But I Am 90% Sure I Have It. What Are Your Personal Symptoms?
I haven't been diagnosed, but as I said I am very sure I have it. My doctor refuses to do testing even though I have
1 - had a c-section which caused a major amount of tissue
2- it runs in my immideate family
3- I have constant pelvic pain which radiates into sharp pains at least 3 times a day.
4- I have had a "cyst" on my ovaries for over 6 months now
5- I can't get pregnant.
I am very concerned about this as I know how much my family is in pain because of this and how many… read more
I would recommend finding a new doctor. Unfortunately, you may have to meet several of them before you find the one who understands this disease.When I moved from FL to NC for a few years, I went to… read more
Endometriosis Or Adenomyosis?
I'm 17 years old right now and have been dealing with chronic pain(abdominal and migraines) since I was 12. It started with dually migraines and then went into daily nausea. I went to every odctot possible and they couldnt figure out what it was. I have been in the ER too often to count. It went over too extreme abdominal pain more in the upper area and then in the lower area also. I was checked for gallstones through ultrasound and blood tests. I also had a CAT scan done and two upper and one… read more
Love I am dealing with chronic pain I have both I trying to figure out what can help.
Back And Neck Pain
So when I was younger my oain was always the same, concentrated on the left side, really sharp, and woulf radiate out and that's just how my pain always presented. As I've gotten older and my pain has changed and now on top of thd leftside pain I'll also feel achey all over, or I'll have pain that follows my spine. Does anyone else experience bad back/neck pain?
My back kills most the time and my hips x
Endo, Solo Travel, Camping???
At the end of August there is a retreat I want to take but that is a right around the time my period usually is. It's a woman's only Retreat so I would not be going up with my husband. I would be camping for that weekend. I don't want to let endow ruin this for me but I want to feel secure with going before I pay for it. Any suggestions on how I could make a trip like that more Endo friendly?
Pain killers
Has Anyone Ever Had A Cyst In There Ovary? And What Was Done For Treatment For It?
I had an internal ultrasound today for pain new pain had for 2 months they’ve found quite a large cyst inside my ovary. I may just be panicking over nothing but I was meant to be trying for a baby about now. I only have 1 ovary and I’m so concerned 1. It could burst and burst my ovary and 2. That the gyne may have the take my ovary out. I’m quite frankly terrified, I’ve always wanted kids, there’s nothing I want more. Any advice or experiences people have had I would be so grateful to hear 💛
Thank u
Intimacy And Endo-For Real
Hello all! This is my first time posting on here. Its a little embarrassing hence there is no pic of me. Im a newlywed 6 months in, I was 32 when i got married and was still a virgin. It was something that i was saving for marriage, and my now husband kept it until our wedding night. Unfortunately I dont enjoy sex at all. Its very painful, and embarassing for me. My husband says he understands, but yet i know its a need of his. I try to give it to him several times a week. We want a baby, and… read more
Hey everyone! Thank yall for all the updates and advice! So, Im not embarrassed that i was a virgin till marriage, Im honored. As a Christian I saved myself for a reason. And i love intimacy with my… read more
Learning To Cope
Hi everyone! Two days ago I officially found out I have stage 4 endometriosis after getting laparoscopic surgery. Healing process has been okay, and I’m finally starting to eat/ drink again. As of last night- I believe it really started to hit me. You see, I’m someone who experienced no pain whatsoever. But when the doctors found a complex 6.5 cm cyst on my right ovary about 8 months ago and decided to monitor it (sure enough it got worse) that’s when the confusion for me started. They mentioned… read more
@A MyEndometriosisTeam Member this was so so helpful because I don’t have symptoms associated with endo, which made me not wanna go on hormonal therapy. All I’m concerned about is stopping the growth… read more