What Are People's Top Tips For A Laparoscopic Surgery?
Will most likely have surgery in July after I graduate and go back to India. Looking for tips on choosing the right surgeon, pre and post op good habits etc and just what to expect.
Please don't go based in ratings in India I went to the top doctor for my first laproscopy surgery for dermoid cyst which she also found endometriosis but didn't bother to inform me about it please choose wisely... The surgery was all fine just the tube they will insert after surgery will irritate and painful after the anesthesia is completely gone from the body... Rest you will be able to walk in in two weeks... All the best 💕
My surgery went well but had reaction to Anastasic which made me sick after . Have someone with you for first 24 hrs as this was when I was at my worst due to Anaseatic . I had a three week recovery time where I wasn’t able to bend down properly or stretch to high but would say it was more like 6 weeks before I was fully ok
Thank you so much everyone!! Yes I am shortlisting a surgeon based on whether they've done a fellowship in minimally invasive gynae surgery and then planning on speaking to a few before deciding on one if possible. Will keep everything else everyone has suggested in mind, grateful for this community :)
Choose one the has more training than just gynecology. My first surgeon only had that training and missed things then wanted to take my uterus when I was still in pain. My second had an additional 8 years on infertility training. She was excellent and I was even in less pain after surgery and even helped me stay pregnant so I wouldn't miscarry a third time.
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