Has Anyone Started To Suddenly Have A Short And Light Period.
My periods have been off. They are very light and now they have gotten shorter. Can this be related to endometriosis? I’m worried
It’s probably pcos then
@A MyEndometriosisTeam Member Oh okay I see, I'm afraid that's the only answer I could think of other than that it's potentially PCOS. Hoping you're able to see a specialist soon but maybe you could see a regular OBGYN in the meantime. Sending you love!
@A MyEndometriosisTeam Member. Hey dear I’m not on any treatment. All birth control gave me bad side effects. And visanne made me depressed. I’m still saving up to see an endo specialist. So I really don’t know what’s going on
Hey Dees - are you on any new ish hormonal medications? My periods themselves were much shorter and lighter while I was on dienogest and the same appears to be the case now on ormeloxifene.
@A MyEndometriosisTeam Member. Yea I do have endometriosis. I’m afraid it might be something else. But I will see a doctor. Thank you
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