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Has Anyone Had A Period That Has Lasted Longer Than 7 Days?

A MyEndometriosisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Gastonia, NC

I am currently taking Orilissa and a mini pill (estrogen free birth control). I was also diagnosed with adenomyosis along with my stage 4 endometriosis. I am currently on day 10 of my period. I have had the past 2 days where it is light spotting when I get up but a few hours later I have light to medium bleeding along with some pelvis pain. My period usually lasts 5-7 days.

I just wanted to see if others have experienced a longer period.

June 20, 2024
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A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

My periods have always been heavy, blood clots and terrible cramping. I was on birth control from 14-24 years old but they took me off because I started having migraines. In May 2018, I was rushed to the hospital and needed emergency surgery. They thought it was appendicitis but they found a large cyst on my left ovary that ruptured. They had to remove my left ovary because the cyst had destroyed it and I was bleeding internally. In December 2020, I had another surgery to remove a large cyst from my right ovary and that is when I finally got my endometriosis diagnosis. In November, I have to stop the Orilissa because it will be 2 years that I have been on it and you can't be on it longer than that or it will cause liver problems. My doctor said I will eventually need a hysterectomy but I am only 36 and I am not ready to go through menopause yet.

July 3, 2024
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

I had heavy, thick clotting, painful and extremely irregular periods as soon as I went through puberty. I had to go on birth control at 15 to regulate my periods. I was first diagnosed with endometriosis when I was 19 and had 5lbs of endometrial and scar tissue removed during my first diagnostic laparoscopy. My second diagnostic laparoscopy was about 3-4yrs later and they took out my right ovary because the cyst pains were pretty bad as well. When it came back when I was 28, I opted for a partial hysterectomy. We left my left ovary because I never had issues with it before. It had been 14 glorious years without pain but it came back the day before my 42 birthday last month and lasted for 3 days. I just finished up the pain for this month and it was an excruciating 6 days of pain. I find it kind of interesting that the pain still coincides with when I had my periods even though I haven't had one for 14yrs. I have an appointment next Wednesday to see my surgeon that gave me 14yrs of peace so we can start planning to get everything out. I'm not looking forward to going through menopause at 42 but going through it at 28 wasn't something I wanted to do before. I don't know what kind of advancements have been made while I was pain free so I'm sure my doctor has a lot to catch me up on.

July 2, 2024
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

Hi even I have prolonged periods after stopping vissane just like you, with spotting in between and periods again

June 22, 2024
A MyEndometriosisTeam Member

My periods were always heavy, dark, lots of clotting, and very irregular. I started taking birth control at 15 to regulate my periods. I was diagnosed with endometriosis when I was 19, had 2 diagnostics laparoscopies(they removed my right ovary with the second one) and has a partial hysterectomy at 28. I still have my left ovary. About a month ago I had excruciating pain that was very close to endometriosis level pain for three days and today I'm having stabbing pain where my left ovary is. I started doing some research and found that they now say endometriosis can come back after a complete hysterectomy. If I'm right and it has returned, then I'm getting ready to go through all the "fun" we get to deal with with this disease again. I'm starting to wonder why they talk us into all of these treatments when they don't work though.

June 20, 2024

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Mississauga, ON
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