Hello Fam... Anyone Here Tried Using DMPA For Endometriosis? Thank You
After surgery in 2009 to remove end and right ovary a cyst came back right away on left ovary. That’s when I started looking for the root cause. Here are some resources I used in case they’re helpful….
-Book by Wendy K Laidlaw
-www.homeopathycare.org will give you a free consultation to see if you’re a fit for treatment…also helped with anxiety and depression and acne,
-Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal Book I felt better by day 4,
-Dr. Rob or Dr. Bobby at Alternacare,
-had root canal removed by biological dentist.
I’ve used one or a mix of these at any given point in time. No need to do all of them at the same time. Look at each and see what resonates with you and start there. These didn’t just help me, they literally moved me from the debilitation of DAILY PAIN to becoming asymptomatic and feeling ‘normal’ again. I’ve battled level IV for 24 years and using these tools I’ve been asymptomatic years 10-19 and years 22 to current. Year 10 marks the year I started to look for the root cause and that’s when things changed for me.
Endometriosis, Mirena, Age And Fertility
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