If My Pain Got Better After Pt But Then Came Back Should I Keep Trying Pt Or Conclude That It Isn’t Going To Work Long Term?
Just trying to ask a more specific question ;).
I had 3 sessions 1 each month. The first two months were way better but the third was bad again. I have at least learned that the tailbone/back pain was from a retroverted uterus which is now better. I learned how to check it’s position internally and do certain exercises when it starts tipping backwards again.
I wouldn't give up yet. PT is a drug- & surgery-free method to support your well-being; it's exercise!. Once you learn the particular movements that help, you can do it when & wherever. I cherish my home yoga practice: I make time for it once a week & modify sequence/postures based on how I'm feeling. Namaste!
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